By 10.41

This post is dedicated to my wonderful hubby from Morocco, the land of the most awesome mint tea
So, I have all of this mint and now its fall. 

How to preserve all those delicious herbs from summer without having to dry them out? 
Try this tip I learned somewhere on the depths from internet. 
Can't remember where but just remember this is certainly not my own idea, but someone much wiser one's.
Works with most herbs, not just mint.

First off, you need these ice cube thingies. 
The other one makes ice cubes that look like a duck. 
Just so you know.
Its awesome.

So after you've ripped off all those delicious leaves from your mint it might look a bit sad.
But don't worry, mint is one of those plants that just WILL NOT DIE.
Hence, plant it in a pot if you dont want all of your garden to be mint.

Chop them up with a sharp kinfe.

To mush like this.

Put them in the ice cube machine and pour some water in there too.

Roughly a day later youll have nice cubes one giant chunk icy mint.
I'm no Martha Steward.
In the ideal conditions you're supposed to have nice little cubes of mint you can use one by time to where ever you might need them.
Theyre supposed to stay fresh and delicious this way.


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