Cock measurements
Hey it's spring and you know what that means
This time I whipped out my cock to show you how big my plants actually are
This Spathiphyllum was just a baby the last time I posted it, I'm assuming that by fall it will be double the size it is now
One of my newest additions, Paphiopedilum 'Femma' has awesome color on its' leaves.
My Rhipsalidopsis madness has gotten out of hand, you can read more about it in the next post...
Same as above, but bigger and madder!
Livinstonia keeps farting out a new leaf yearly
Hibiscus looks kind of boring now but I'm planning to make it huge and awesome.
Tiny little Phalaenopsis 'Calimero' coochie coochie coo
The poor Anthurium that I just won't let die
Euphorbia blocking the sun as usual. The number on it was to help my roommate take care of my plants when I was gone. You'll get to read about it soonly.
Phalaenopsis with keiki that I havent planted on it's own pot yet.
Dracaena surculosa is a shame to it's kind. It doesn't know where "up" is. The flagpoles it pushes out every year keep going sideways.
Bougainvillea, the pest-giver has begun to flourish after fucking me up with mites.
My brugmansia and what's left of the dates while I've been trying to kill them all winter.
P.s. fuk u sun
Here we have Schlumbergera if you don't mind getting blinded forever by the sun.
Sophora 'Little baby'. I'll put this out in the summer and see if it becomes any more interesting
Senecino herreianus (haha ANUS) chilling here in a teacup
Tentecle monster Selenicereus anthonyanus (haha ANUS again)
Crassula 'Gollum'. Maybe after ten years I can show some progress.
Monstera 'Swiss cheese' Is kind of one of my favourites now
Planted my Rhapis in to new kick-ass pot and it be fancy
Gave the same treatment to my rubber tree and now it looks legit and freshened up
This Sansevieria 'Black ice' is just awesome. There's no other word for it. Awesome.
Double shot of the Ivy who suffered lot of damage during winter, but is getting better, and Codiaeum that suffered some damage while I was away hence the amount of leaves.
Tiny Ficus keeps being tiny
Ok so the other cissus suffered A LOT of damage while I was gone and I simply decided to replace it with the old Cissus I've had for years but never really taken care of. Also the bigger leaves will look so much better than the tiny ones I had here before.
Bought a Citrus. Again. The other Citrus I had died while I was away. R.I.P.
Even my dear Monstera looks ugly and tired after long winter.
I hope moving it to the balcony in summer will help it to get back being awesome.
How big is the measuring cock you ask?
It's about the size of this citrus fertilizer
How big is the citrus fertilizer?
It's about the size of this stack of rice crackers
How big is the stack of rice crackers?
It's about one tenth of the size of my dog.
How big is my dog?
Stop asking stupid questions.