Mutants and other cool work stuff


So I found a cool mutant Phalaenopsis at work Congratulations, it's twins! Ew ew ew ew lesser snow scales at Dracaena...

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Some work images


Mutant Rosa 'Chili Clementine' dry wet neon green mini forest

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Plant update


So the time has come to look at the progress of some of my plants here's the overall picture of the placement at the moment, I'm...

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Abutilon and other beauties


There was sunshine, there was a camera, there was boredom. I can't handle this Abutilon, which looks like a Chinese lantern but i...

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Long time no see post


Yes I'm a lazy blogger, deal with it. Here's bunch of pics to make it up to y'all Oh how I enjoy roses from THIS SUPER AN...

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