Back from the dead 2017 edition

By 7.35 , ,

Just like several bugs, I also wake up in the spring when sun finally comes up in the northern hemisphere.

I have relocated myself (last year) and therefore gotten rid of several plants as the square meters have halved.
But that doesn't mean that the numbers have lowered, no, new plants have taken their place.
I have very short fuse when it comes to plants that I don't like anymore but thank goodness there's all kinds of crazy people online who will pay anything for ugly plants.

As both of my readers might know I am very lazy to actually write anything on my blog so I'll let the pictures speak for me
My husband, getting tired of not having room to actually eat on our dinner table 
(or "plant table" as I know it), had this idea that we should put the plants on a shelf.
I very much like this idea, it helps them all get equal amount of sunlight.

Which in this apartment is plenty.
The windows are towards the sun more than 12 hours a day.
That might be a reason why all of my plants have suddenly started flowering as you can see below

Buddha says hi

Orange Schlumbergera.
I very much dislike orange as an actual colour, but in flowers it is one of my favourites.
Peachy tones with pink, such as half cooked salmon would have.

Codiaeum variegatum got really angry about the moving, dropped all its leaves and started hoarding mites. How it's still alive and kicking I do not know.
The stick is half rotten from up but still it pushes new leaves and seems quite happy about its new look.

Whoa boy did this Spathiphyllum enjoy being planted in the big pot, now its huge!
Still a bit slow in making new leaves.

My newest orchid, in those raw salmon colours I talked about a while ago

The mother orchid with keiki has actually made six buds and opened one of them.
It is weird how torture brings out the best in plants.

Rest of the plants will be introduced later on, maybe even during this year.

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