Plant update

By 23.03

So the time has come to look at the progress of some of my plants

here's the overall picture of the placement at the moment, I'm preparing for witner so that's why everything's crammed up next to the window

Yea, it's a messs, but this ain't one of those interior design blogs, this is a blog about plants and how awesome they are 

First of all I have to make an announcement:
NEVER will I EVER trade back to the liquid fertilizers.
The Neudorff fertilizer sticks for house plants have proven themselves to be so damn good and powerful, I've actually had to change the pot for this Spathiphyllum TWICE this summer.

And you remember how HARD it was to get some life in to this little twat?

And look how much it has grown since then and imagine how damn awesome it will be next year
I am very attached to this plant because I got it from the place I used to work and it's a baby from one of my favourite plants on this planet.
Also, it is really rare these days, can't just walk in to a store and buy one.

It is precious to me.

Also this Livingstonia palm just keeps popping bigger leaf after leaf after the Neudorff-treatment.

I was a bit sceptical about this plant at first since I bought it from a supermarket but it's bore well with my minimal care and occasional drought.

I've grown to like it a lot.

This little ficus is going to be a beautiful bonsai some day, I swear.
I'm trying to get it a little bit more interesting by doing some tricks to it.
Slow cooking process as always.

This is an experiment too. 
Will I get these two brugmansia to go over winter inside?
Also, will they ever flower again?
Also, will they look like shit and will I just throw them in garbage in total silence, never to mention them again?
Stay tuned to find out. 

I love you Cissus. 
Growing so fast, soonly covering everything.
It is going to be aaawesooomeee.

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