My plants

By 9.23

I never get bored of plants. I can waste hours with them at home and at work too.

Codiaeum variegatum, slow grower. It gives me only three leaves per year.

Hidden between the regular Sansevieria 'Laurentii' was this beauty, whom I suspect to be 'Black gold'
I never appreciated the snake plant before, but this plants vivid colors made it irresistabe for a collector like me.

Epipremnum 'Marble queen' is also one of my not-so-common-plants. Although it needs a bit more light due to its lack of chlorophyll, I wouldnt say its any harder than regular Epipremnum.
Also a bit more prone to necrosis spots on leaves.

Purpe purple purple!
Calathea rufibarba in Lechuze Cubico 30

 Crassula ovata 'Gollum', reminds me of coral, it doesnt need much of root space so it will fit just fine in this pot for years.
Dracaena surculosa got cut down because it was ugly and crooked. New growth appeared almost instantly

zamioculcas zamiifolia I brought from work to see if its infected with Phytophthora-fungus like the other ones. It did and it turned in to smelly mush in no time.
Fungus really enjoys damp ground, so overwatering is a major factor in its success.
Epipremnum pinnatum 'Neon' between two plastic grass
(pleease dont combine living plants with plastic ones, its ugly) 

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