Online shopping plants part 16!


I had a wild idea. What if We could charge people to come and pick up all the useless weeds from your yard? You know, the ones ...

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Online shopping plants part 15!


Well kids, today we will learn the importance of a decent pot when buying a plant online.  I understand that when theres an especially ug...

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How to get a lot of dates on a summer night REVEALED


Step one, acquire dates Step two, see that you have way too many, way too big dates.  Step three, be kind to your dates and don...

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Online shopping (tiny) plants part 14!


 So you want to make some easy money online with your crap  plants, but you're not ready to let go of your lovely bio waste  green frie...

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Interior green design at its worst AGAIN


I was at an anonymous car fixing shop and happened to see this poor thing leaning to the wall in the corner. Didn't look too bar fo...

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Interior green design at its worst


Some interior green design at anonymous stairway somewhere in Finland. The plastic flowers in the wicker basket really add a nice touch...

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Online shopping plants part 13!


The dreaded number 13 has arrived upon us! So let us celebrate by shopping some unlucky Dracaenas! I can never understand how peopl...

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